BUNNY CAKE ♥ New Willard Soon!

B U N N Y   C A K E !  Fast easy, do it from a mix! A little big band morning MUSICA ♥

♥      ♥      ♥      ♥      ♥

HAPPY EASTER GIRLFRIENDS! A new Willard starts going out on Tuesday ♥ Sign up sisters and girlfriends for a surprise in their email boxes. Fun surprise here on the blog that day too. Blessings for a wonderful weekend. Love you, XOXO

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816 Responses to BUNNY CAKE ♥ New Willard Soon!

  1. Janet Holland says:

    I’ve missed you; I need to get connected through your blog. I absolutely love your freshness and kind spirit always thinking of others. Please include me among those wishin’ and a hopin’ to win your fabulous giveaway.

  2. LindaBurkart says:

    My Sweet sister-in-law introduced me to Susan Branch last year. She had given me the first cook-book year ago. Her name is Claudia. My sweet #5 daughter Maria had given me the Grandmother book last Mother’s Day before I really knew who Susan Branch is. I love the Beatrice Potter things and I am putting the things I have in a spare bedroom.My # 7 daughter Margsaret reserved the Beatric Potter Gardening book by Marta McDowell.It come all the way from Northern Ohio. I am thankful to my sister-in-law for this Blog. Linda

  3. LindaBurkart says:

    My Sweet sister-in-law introduced me to Susan Branch last year. She had given me the first cook-book year ago. Her name is Claudia. My sweet #5 daughter Maria had given me the Grandmother book last Mother’s Day before I really knew who Susan Branch is. I love the Beatrice Potter things and I am putting the things I have in a spare bedroom.My # 7 daughter Margsaret reserved the Beatric Potter Gardening book by Marta McDowell.It came all the way from Northern Ohio. I am thankful to my sister-in-law for this Blog. Linda

  4. cheryl says:

    thank you for the lovley idea for the beginnng of each month with rabbit rabbit. love it and love may day. thanks also for the lovely spring blossom pics which definitely inspired me and warmed my heart on this oh so chilly may day in Illinois.

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